Watch Dibu 2: La venganza de Nasty online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch Dibu 2: La venganza de Nasty cinema online for free. The movie Dibu 2: La venganza de Nasty has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the web. The evil Nasty comes to our world with two objectives -- kidnap Buji, and carry as much candy as possible back to his world. He has the ability to 'shape-shift', and using the appearance of Dibu, he holds up a bank so that he can get enough money to buy the candy. The police wrongly imprison Dibu, who manages to escape and confront Nasty.

Year: 1998
Genre : Comedy, Animation
Runtime: 86 minutes
Release Date: 1998-07-02
Actors : Mauricio Dayub, Hugo Arana, Roberto Carnaghi, Cecilia Gispert, Sol Impagliazzo