Watch Doraemon: Nobita's Three Visionary Swordsmen online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Doraemon: Nobita's Three Visionary Swordsmen movie online for free. The cinema Doraemon: Nobita's Three Visionary Swordsmen has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the site. Tired of constantly having nightmares, Nobita ask for Doraemon to bring a Dream Machine which would allow Nobita to dream of anything he wants. After an attempt to have a dream about the fall of Atlantis fails, he chooses a dream where he is in a fantasy world with an inspiration from The Three Musketeers. Together Nobita and his friends must defeat the evil King before he escapes from Nobita's dream into other people's dreams.

Year: 1994
Genre : Animation
Runtime: 98 minutes
Release Date: 1994-03-12
Actors :